Past Events

4/5/19 Giants: The Global Power Elite

Giants teach-in; April 5 at 7 pm; Peace & Justice Center, Santa Rosa

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11/08/18 The Reluctant Radical film

Reluctant Radical Film Showing; November 8 at 7 pm; Arlene Francis Center, Santa Rosa

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09/24/18 Rise Up! A look at today's labor movement

Occupy Sonoma County presents a Teach-in: Taking Action; May 7 at 7 pm; Peace and Justice Center, Santa Rosa

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07/23/18 The Ideas Lab: Political Ideologies Panel

 Political Ideologies Panel; July 23 at 7 pm; Peace and Justice Center, Santa Rosa

Occupy Sonoma County will present a panel of social philosophers discussing their beliefs ranging from liberal democracy to various forms of socialism and anarchy, gift economy, and Marx.

The panel will be moderated by Sonoma State University Sociology Professor Peter Phillips, founder of the Media Freedom Foundation and former director of Project Censored.

read more

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05/07/18 Taking Action! Teach-in

Occupy Sonoma County presents a Teach-in: Taking Action; May 7 at 7 pm; Peace and Justice Center, Santa Rosa

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03/26/18 Agricultura urbana y sostenibilidad del jardín trasero: Enseñanza bilingüe​

KBBF presents an Occupy Sonoma County Teach-in: Urban Farming & Backyard Sustainability

Lunes 26 de marzo, de 7 a 9 pm​

Aunque el precio de la comida saludable puede ser prohibitivo,  la comida chatarra nos cuesta aun más a largo plazo al tomar en cuenta el costo del cuidado médico y de las vidas acortadas.  Hay una solución a este dilema, aprender a cultivar comidas orgánicas en su jardín a lo largo del año, en tierra saludable y libre de los petroquímicos. Todos son bienvenidos a este evento gratis.  Intercambio gratis de semillas - traiga sus semillas excedentes para compartirlas.

Gratis/ se aceptan las donaciones.

Carpenters' Union Hall,  1706 Corby Ave, Santa Rosa 95407
volante  •  mapa  •  contactarnos  •  teléfono: 707-877-6650

03/26/18 Urban Farming & Backyard Sustainability

KBBF presents an Occupy Sonoma County Teach-in: Urban Farming & Backyard Sustainability

Mon, March 26 at 7PM

Eating healthy food is expensive in the short run, and eating unhealthy food is expensive in the long run--what to do? Learn how to grow organic foods in limited spaces year-round in healthy, petrochemical-free soils. Free seed exchange - bring your extra seeds to share.

Free / donations requested

Carpenters' Union Hall,  1706 Corby Ave, Santa Rosa 95407
flyer  •  map  •  contact us  •  phone: 707-877-6650

01/22/18 Teach-in with Bill Say

Teach-in with Bill Say at the Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401

 half-page color flyer  •  map  •  contact us  •  phone: 707-877-6650

07/31/17 - Sonoma County Climate Change Activists Summit

Organized by Occupy Sonoma County and co-sponsored by 350Sonoma
Monday, July 31, 6-9 PM
Peace & Justice Center 467 Sebastopol Ave. Santa Rosa 95401

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01/30/17 - Understanding the Conflict in Palestine/Israel

Occupy Sonoma County presents: Understanding the Conflict in Palestine/Israel

Monday, January 30, 7-9 PM at the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County

A Teach-in with North Coast Coalition For Palestine A personal narrative of loss of human rights in  Palestine/Israel and what the U.S. media won't tell you about the ongoing conflict and U.S. complicity. Learn about the implications of Islamophoia in this struggle.

Donation Requested

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03/10/16 - 'Consumed' Screening in Rohnert Park!

Consumed Movie - a GMO thriller!

Special screening - One Night Only!
Thursday, March 10 at 7:30 PM
Please share, invite your friends, and buy your ticket TODAY at
(Tickets are only available online)

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