GMO Campaign

imageGenetic engineering refers to a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells and move genes across species boundaries to produce novel organisms. Once released, these genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can easily spread and interbreed with other organisms, and they are virtually impossible to recall back to the laboratory.

Monsanto provides roughly 90% of GMO seeds in the world. These seeds have been genetically modified to produce their own pesticide or to survive repeated spraying of Monsanto’s toxic herbicide Roundup. Monsanto’s GMOs are not designed to increase yields to feed the world, but rather to increase Monsanto’s profits. Monsanto sells high-priced, patented seeds to farmers who are required to sign contracts stating that they will buy new seeds every year. And as their crops become increasingly herbicide-resistant, Monsanto sells more and more chemicals to farmers who are caught in this vicious cycle. Due to the enormous political clout of Monsanto, the American public is being denied the right to know whether their foods are genetically engineered or not.


Shopper's Guide
identify non-GMO products from independently-owned companies that support GMO labeling and have decent labor and environmental practices--AND identify products from companies that don't meet those standards.

The Truth About GMOs
this paper defines GMOs, provides background on the bio-tech industries that produce them, and describes the hazards that GMOs present to the environment and to the humans and animals that consume them.

GMO Glossary
Definitions for terms related to Genetically Modified Organisms compiled by OSC members.

OSC Earth Action Campaign Handout
Info on Occupy Sonoma County's Earth Action Campaign.

GMO Discussion

7 years 8 months ago

In November last year Occupy Sonoma County expanded our GMO campaign to include climate change, climate justice, toxic chemicals, and other Earth-related topics. We changed the name of the GMO Campaign to Earth Action Campaign. At that time we started a new listserv for Earth Action and kept

7 years 8 months ago

Can't See This Message? View in a browser [image: This is the logo] [image: Saturday, May 27] at the Community Seed Exchange, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 500 Robinson Road, Sebastopol Monarchs and Milkweed: Can the Monarch Butterfly Be Saved from Extinction? 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Monarch

7 years 8 months ago

Shut Down Monsanto in Woodland: Largest Biotech Seed Research Facility in the World Date Monday May 22 Time 4:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location Details Monsanto 12790 Gorman Lane Woodland, CA Meet at Raley's 367 W. Main Street Woodland, CA Event Type Protest Organizer/Author The Anti-Monsant

7 years 8 months ago

Occupy Sonoma County Earth Action Campaign Meeting Tonight 7-9 PM Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County 467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa 95401 map Call in number: 641-715-3580, PIN: 933092# Let Peter know in advance if you are planning to call in Note: OSC will reimburse you for phone

7 years 8 months ago

Link to Agenda: I'm trying something new-- anyone with the link above can view and comment on the proposed agenda without logging into Google. I'll monitor your comments and make updates to the


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