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06/30/14 - OSC Internal Teach-In: Media Skills For Activists (Guests Welcome)

Occupy Sonoma County ​​ Internal Teach-In ​ Media Skills For Activists: How to write a press release and a public service announcement *All OSC people are requested to attend* Non-OSC ​g​uests are invited See registration details below Monday, ​June 30​, ​7:0​0-9:00 PM. ​Peace and Justice Center​ ​467 Sebastopol Ave​., Santa Rosa (​Off of Santa Rosa Ave. near Juilliard Park​) This training will be lead by Peter Phillips, Ph.D Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University Peter teaches Political Sociology, Sociology of Media, Social Movements and the Sociology of Power Former director of Project Censored and a founding editor for the North Bay Progressive Newspaper Co-host of the Project Censored radio show on KPFA President of Media Freedom Foundation Non-OSC Guests: Pre-registration and a donation of $5-20 is requested from non-OSC people who wish to attend If you ​are not part of ​OSC and wish to join this training please contact to register Pre-registration deadline is​ June 25​ Please submit your ​voluntary ​donation on our website

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